A look at how narcissistic injury and narcissistic rage fuels mass shootings.

The cowardly, violent and unjustified acts of mass shooters is implicitly related to malignant narcissism. The perpetrators of such violence feel compelled to act out their brand of justice and revenge in order to satisfy their sadistic desires on those who have, in reality or fantasy, wronged or humiliated them in some way. The perceived wrongs and humiliations challenge their fragile ego, superiority and grandiosity thus inflicting upon them the severest of narcissistic injuries. The mass shooter can no longer contain their repressed anger and humiliation and are forced to unleash the full wrath of their narcissistic rage.

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Reforming Trauma Coaching explores domestic violence, PTSD and effective treatment approaches

Domestic violence (DV) is defined as violence, sexual, emotional, physical and verbal abuse/ aggression and/or any other forms of degradation of one individual against another which, necessarily, occurs within the sanctity of an intimate relationship (Showden, 2011). Males and females can be either the abused or the abuser (Wendt & Zannettino, 2014). Ultimately, perpetrators of domestic violence seek to control and isolate their intimate partners by effectively rendering the partner compliant, dependent and isolated from friends, family and other external resources (Rees & Pease, 2007).

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Can Cognitive Behaviour Therapy be used to treat the positive symptoms of psychosis?

Cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) is a psycho-social intervention which proposes that there is an interconnected and interdependent relationship between a person’s thoughts, feelings/emotions and behaviours (Lowenthal & House, 2010). According to CBT, modifications occurring in one domain (i.e., thoughts) can lead to modifications occurring in the other two domains (Rhodes, 2013). Therefore, unhelpful and unproductive behaviours, thoughts and feelings can be consciously altered, via a range of CBT based techniques, into more helpful, positive and productive ones (Rhodes, 2013).

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An examination of PTSD and flashbacks.

We have all seen and heard about post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in some form or another. Whether it’s through the depictions of war heroes in Hollywood movies or personal experiences with family members or friends who have served in the military. You may have even seen PTSD manifested by a close friend or relative that survived a car crash, experienced a natural disaster like a flood or earthquake, was in an abusive and violent relationship, or witnessed a mugging occur on the streets of their neighbourhood.

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Reforming Trauma Coaching's 5 tips to help you to recover from depression.

Depression is something that we all experience at some point in our lives. Sometimes it is mild and we recovery fairly quickly and other times its more severe and persistent. Depression takes away the joy and happiness we once felt towards life and other. We become unmotivated, lethargic, withdrawn, negative and incapable of reigniting that spark of passion and wonderment that exists deep inside of us. So here are six natural and holistic tips to help you on the road to recovery. 1. Take things slowly...

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Is there similarities between what is happening now with the Michael Jackson allegations and that which occurred with notorious pedophile Jimmy Saville after his death in 2011?

Note: I am not making any accusations or conclusions about Michael Jackson's innocence or guilt, I am merely identifying similarities between two celebrity cases. I'm pretty sure that everyone knows who Michael Jackson is so I won't go into his history too much. As for Jimmy Saville, he was a former DJ and...

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Reforming Trauma Coaching examines cognitive distortions

Cognitive distortions are disproportionate and irrational thought/belief patterns or schemas. They can develop in response to trauma, repeated abuse, faulty introjections from others and as mental shortcuts. These inaccurate thought patterns/beliefs reinforce and exacerbate negative thinking and/or negative emotions...

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How does setting goals lead you to greater success and confidence in life?

All successful people know that the key to becoming successful is effective goal setting. These people have learnt that if they wish to accomplish their goals, they must make sure that they set SMART goals. S - Specific and clear M - Measurable and meaningful A - Achievable and attainable R - realistic and rewarding T - Time-based. So how did the creators of Homescapes incorporate the SMART model of goal setting into their game and how can you learn from it?

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Analysis paralysis and the link to abusive and violent relationships/environments.

Whilst everyone is familiar with procrastination, how many of you are familiar with analysis paralysis? Basically, analysis paralysis is the act of over-thinking about a decision so compulsively that ultimately a choice never gets made. Hence the notion of paralysis. The overthinking individual gets so stuck in the exploring and figuring out all the options stage that they cannot mentally progress onto the actual selection of a decision.

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How the creation of increasingly frivolous psychiatric disorders are turning people and society into bamboo eating Pandas.

The American Psychiatric Associations (APA) decision to hastily introduce the diagnostic and statistical manual 5th edition (DSM-5) in 2013 was met with harsh criticism from psychiatrists, psychologists and other mental health professionals around the world. The professionals were concerned with how little outside input and influence the APA allowed prior to publication of the DSM-5 and the inclusion of more psychiatric disorders which were not clinically supported. For example, the DSM-5 introduced 14 new psychiatric disorders; 1. Binge Eating Disorder 2. Caffeine Withdrawal 3. Cannabis Withdrawal

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Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the most narcissistic of them all?

Labelling anybody who displays even a small degree of self-confidence as narcissistic seems to be common practice these days. Narcissistic personality disorder is defined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) as an over concern with self-love and an idealised self-image,

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